Team LuLu

Walk for Epilepsy 2024

Our epilespy warrior and all the other canberra ones

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions affecting 50 million people worldwide

Every week in Australia, 280 people are diagnosed with epilepsy and sadly 5 Australians will die from epilepsy each week.

We are raising funds to ensure Canberrans with epilepsy have access to the support, training, and information they need to live well with epilepsy.

With access to the right treatment around 70% of people with epilepsy can gain control over their seizures

Thank you to our Sponsors


A Smith-platts


Shan Reyes



Sim Riddle

Go Team LuLu! 🤩




Elise Zimmer


Sqc Group


Steve Gibb


Sarah Smith


Tracy Logan

From Matt, Tracy, Alex and Lachie Smith x


Patricia Saunders

All the best for the walk


Emilija Balog

Looking forward to joining you on the walk.


Kristy Strangman

We love you Lucinda!!!


Jeanette Mctaggart



Can’t wait to see the completed angel/fairy look!


Julie Smith

Go team Lucinda…you can do it!


Mel Mudford

Keep on being an inspiration for others Lucinda 💪💜


Allan Garvey


Kylie Bucat